Over the last 30 years, this wonderful greeting is how I, my family and now my new bride have been welcomed wholeheartedly into the Plano community. These are not mere words, but a heartfelt sentiment that has been continuously expressed by each and every one of the many community members we have been fortunate to meet so far. It is now also a sentiment I look forward to sharing with the many thousands of new faces joining, like myself, our fine community.
Following in the footsteps of my parents, who opened a business here in the 1980s, today I find myself a Plano business owner. As President and Publisher of Plano Profile, this issue celebrating its 33rd amazing year, I am honored to continue the Plano Profile legacy. The founders, Jean and Mike Newman, have set the bar very high, always being there to support the community in every possible way. While these are mighty big shoes to fill, we are excited about working with them and the same excellent Plano Profile team, as well as all the many local organizations, businesses and charities that make Plano such a special place to live.
Community is what we are most passionate about. Over the coming months and years, we look forward to working closely with you in many exciting and fun ways. To kick it all off, I would like to invite the most passionate among you to reach out and join us as we share great stories, profile the most interesting people and find wonderful ways to make an already amazing city an even better place to live, work and visit. So if you have a story to tell, a skill you’d like to share, or would like to contribute in any other way, please get in contact with us today.
At the helm of Plano Profile, I feel a responsibility to the community and am committed to not just the future of the publication, but also the blossoming future of Plano, one of the best places to live in the U.S.A., if not the world.