We were already excited at the prospects of the beloved Texas grocery store chain finally breaking ground in DFW. Now we're even more ecstatic, because the latest McKinney City Council meeting approved a conveyance plat to further develop and (hopefully soon) start building a long-anticipated HEB!
Initial announcements have slated the store to be completed by spring of 2023.
CLICK TO READ: What’s the big deal with HEB? Here are 4 reasons why Texans love it.
This week's approval was the first "plat consideration" presented to the McKinney Zoning and Planning Commission on February 8.
Click here to view the video of the meeting. The part about HEB is timestamp 8:04.

So, where is HEB McKinney going to be built?
Okay, we know you're excited (we are too), but first allow us to rephrase the question: Where is HEB likely to be built? The word "likely" is important here, and you'll find out why.
CLICK TO READ: H-E-B Coming to McKinney, Mayor George Fuller Announces
As the first "plat consideration" item for approval on the agenda, staff present at the City of McKinney's February 8, 2022 council meeting recommended the consideration of a conveyance plat for HEB at Lots 1 and 2 of the Coit Addition (Block A) located on the Southeast Corner of Coit Road and Highway 380, putting the planned HEB store more on the border of McKinney and Frisco.
The motion passed with seven votes in favor, zero against.
So what does that mean?
Readers should note that the approval of a conveyance plat is just the city's approval of the potential sale and legal transferal process of the mapped property in question. This doesn't necessarily mean the sale has been made of the construction plans are even finalized.
According to LawInsider's definition (for those unfamiliar with property development talk), a conveyance plat is "not the first step in the development of a project as it does not provide any detail regarding a project. As such the submission and approval of a conveyance plat does not vest any rights in the property."
So conveyance (transferring property from one owner to another) is authorized on the land HEB is eyeing, but no contracts have been signed or hands shaken yet.
That said, it's still all the closer to being official. Our hearts and fridges are ready for spring, 2023.