McKinney City Council will continue to move forward with a contract to finish Collin McKinney Parkway. On November 1, the council approved a $9.6 million contract for the project.
During the November 1 meeting, Assistant Director of Engineering Michael Hebert brought plans forth for the council’s approval. According to city documents, the construction of the Collin McKinney Parkway Project has been authorized. All necessary change orders under the contract cannot exceed $10,650,000.
Hebert explained during the meeting that the project would create a connection between Custer Road to Hardin Road on Collin McKinney Parkway. The road will have two lanes traveling west and two travelings east when complete. A bridge that will go over Cottonwood Creek was also included in the contract plans shown to McKinney City Council.
The Collin McKinney Parkway will complete an east-west connection less than half a mile long. The project will be connected between Lake Forest Drive and Tine Drive along the south side of the Lake Forest neighborhood. The city has prepared a contract with Ragle, Inc. for the completion of the construction.
McKinney City Council passed the project plans unanimously during the meeting and $9.6 million from the city will be given for the completion. Alliance Geotechnical Group was also given just over $110,000 at the meeting to provide other services needed for the project.
The start date for the the project has not yet been given, but it is estimated to take about one year, with a completion date sometime in January of 2024. Road closures will most likely impact traffic throughout the area, but there are no plans or detours set in place at this time.
For a complete map of where the project is located, visit the city of McKinney’s ongoing projects website.