There is certainly no shortage of events and activities to enjoy this Halloween in Plano! Here’s another fun option for all the family: Trunk-Or-Treat at the Legacy Church in Plano.

Legacy Church in Plano will host a Trunk-Or-Treat in the church parking lot on Saturday, October 31 from 5 – 7 p.m. This family-friendly event will include trick-or-treating from car trunks, costumes, door prizes, music, games and other fun!
Everyone big and small is welcome!
Trunk-Or-Treat at the Legacy Church
Date: Saturday, October 31 5-7pm
Time: 5 – 7 p.m.
Legacy Church
4501 Legacy Drive
Plano 75024
Contact Lori Zettler: 972-618-4600 ext. 204