It’s that time of year again — bluebonnets are back and sprouting up all across Texas. And it’s almost an innate tradition for all Texans to get their photo taken amid the blue sea of flowers.
But where are the best places to go locally to see the bluebonnets and snap some photos? We’ve got you covered. Here are the top five bluebonnet fields in Collin County.
Zion Cemetery in Frisco
The Zion Cemetery in Frisco is known for its surrounding hill that becomes covered in bluebonnets during the springtime. Located at FM 423 approximately 1 mile north of Eldorado Parkway, the possibilities for photo ops are endless. Be aware that some bluebonnets might be on private property since the Glen View neighborhood now surrounds the cemetery. Please respect the boundaries of the nearby neighborhood and do not trespass.
(Update: Please observe the bluebonnets from inside the cemetery when it is open. A new "No Trespassing" sign has been placed in the greenbelt, indicating that it is not permitted to walk into the bluebonnet field.)
Legacy Drive in Plano
There is a fantastic view of the bluebonnets near Legacy Drive and plenty of options for taking photos with your friends and family. According to NBC DFW, the bluebonnets are located along the bike route near Legacy Drive and Headquarters Drive. But please, avoid parking near the Frito Lays Headquarters off Headquarters Drive. According to the head of Frito Lays security, the property is private, so please don't block the drive or park on the property.
The Freedom Meadow at Warren Sports Complex in Frisco
Frisco’s Freedom Meadow is not only a memorial for those who lost their lives on 9/11. Freedom Meadow is seeded with native wildflowers, including the beloved bluebonnet. The Freedom Meadow memorial is located at the northeast corner of the Warren Sports Complex at 7599 Eldorado Parkway.

Bluebonnet Trail in Plano
Surprise, surprise — Bluebonnet Trail in Plano has bluebonnets. The trail runs from Central Expressway to Midway Road. A Facebook user wrote on the trail’s page that she found a good patch of bluebonnets for photos on the Spring Creek Parkway and Custer Road side of the trail. But Plano Park Services Manager Dave Angeles said park staff is still verifying locations along the trail to find out if the February winter storm delayed any wildflower bloom.
The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary in McKinney
Located at 1 Nature PI in McKinney, the Heard Museum doesn’t only have everything you would ever want to know about wildlife and natural sciences — it also has bluebonnets. A spokesperson for the Heard Museum said they have a patch of bluebonnets at the front by the main building. However, she noted that, this far north in Texas, it’s harder for bluebonnets to flourish. Because of that, she also recommends checking medians on the highways. To get into the museum, you need to make sure you buy tickets first by clicking here.
Editor's note: Please avoid Frito Lays headquarters and the neighborhood surrounding Zion Cemetery.