11-Year-Old In Frisco, Texas Raises Over $1,000 For The Homeless

Eleven-year-old Treyson Pierce didn’t want presents for his birthday, he wanted to help those in need — a kind gesture he initially hid from his family. 

Pierce started a GoFundMe about four months ago in order to help homeless individuals by donating the funds to local charities, according to WFAA. He first began the fundraising page on May 15, 2023, and by Sept. 6, 2023, he raised $1,150. 

“I am a ten year old boy who loves the Lord and I want to be a man of God for the rest of my life,” Pierce wrote on the GoFundMe page. “I want to help homeless people and help other families in need.” 

According to WFAA, the idea for Pierce's idea came together when he learned about fundraising efforts to support tornado victims in Mississippi. But he didn’t tell his mom at first, worried what she would think of him starting the campaign. Two months later, Pierce came clean. 

“I looked at him and I was like, ‘Take it down immediately. What is this?’” his mom, Krystal  Sanders told WFAA. “Until I read the description and I said, ‘Wait a minute,’ and I had to dial back a bit and I said, ‘Oh my gosh.’” 

With uncertainty about his mom's reaction, he decided to use his grandma's email to establish the GoFundMe campaign, knowing she doesn’t check her email often. 

“Whenever my mom says no, I go to my grandma,” Pierce said. “She’s up for all my shenanigans.”

Donations rolled in quickly, with one anonymous supporter giving Pierce $470. Others sent anywhere from $25 to $100. 

“I just wanted to inspire other kids to let them know that your age doesn’t matter,” Pierce said. “You can still make a difference in this world.”

The GoFundMe is still active and Pierce will continue accepting donations to give to those in need locally


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