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The Power Of Being Underestimated

Heather Barbieri’s law firm shows that the industry is no longer a boys club

Heather J. Barbieri is a board-certified criminal defense attorney and the founder of Barbieri Law Firm in Frisco. With over 25 years of experience, she has become a highly respected advocate for individuals facing serious criminal charges, most notably in the areas of sex crime and assault.

Known for her strategic expertise and dedication to her clients, Barbieri has built a reputation for successfully defending cases that are both complex and challenging. Her passion for justice and commitment to helping clients reclaim their lives sets her apart as a formidable force in criminal law.

Local Profile recently interviewed Barbieri on what it means to be a woman in law in North Texas. 

How did your career in law begin? 
My career in law began with a deep desire to fight for justice. Shortly after passing the state bar, I started my own practice. For 10 years, I also worked as a consulting prosecutor for the city of Frisco. Through this role, I gained invaluable experience on the other side of the courtroom. It gave me insight into how the prosecution operates, how they build cases and where their weaknesses lie. My passion has always been helping people, especially when the system seemed stacked against them.

I always wanted to be the advocate who steps in when everything is at stake — reputations, careers, families.

I knew my experience as a prosecutor would give me a unique edge in building defense strategies that could outsmart the opposition. From the very beginning, I was drawn to the high-stakes nature of criminal defense, and I’ve never looked back. Building a team of attorneys at Barbieri Law Firm — drawn from strong backgrounds as prosecutors — is the culmination of that passion and determination to provide people with the fierce, relentless representation they deserve.

Why did you pick this career path?
I chose this career because I’ve always been driven by a strong sense of justice. Criminal defense, especially in cases like sex crimes and assaults, isn't for the faint of heart — it requires relentless determination and an unshakable belief that every person deserves a fair defense. I saw firsthand, early on, how easily someone’s life can be torn apart by an accusation. That’s largely why I’ve built my career as a defense attorney. I wanted to be the one fighting for the underdog. There’s nothing more rewarding than defending someone’s future and ensuring that their story doesn’t end with an accusation. 

What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being a woman in law?
The legal world can be tough, and as a woman, you’re often underestimated. Early on, I had to push through the biases that assumed I’d be less aggressive or not as sharp in the courtroom as my male counterparts. The challenge is proving them wrong every single time — and that’s something I thrive on.

Being a woman in law means you’ve got to be twice as prepared, twice as relentless and three times as resilient. It’s empowering to lead a women-driven firm that stands toe-to-toe with the biggest players and wins.

My favorite part is showing my clients — and even opposing counsel — that being underestimated is one of our greatest strengths. There’s nothing quite like watching a jury’s perception shift when they realize they’re facing not just a defense attorney, but a powerhouse who’s there to win.

Why are female lawyers important to the industry?
Female lawyers bring a unique and invaluable perspective to the legal industry. We approach cases with a balance of fierce advocacy and empathy that’s often underestimated but incredibly effective. Our ability to think outside the box, stay detail-oriented and manage high-stakes situations with poise makes us essential, especially in complex areas like criminal defense. Women tend to listen differently, communicate more openly and build stronger client relationships — traits that are crucial when someone’s future is on the line.

We’re also changing the narrative. For too long, the legal field was a boys club, but female lawyers are proving every day that we’re just as aggressive in the courtroom, just as strategic in our thinking and just as committed to justice. Our presence challenges outdated stereotypes and sets a new standard for what it means to be a strong advocate. At the end of the day, we’re not just important to the industry — we’re shaping its future.

What advice would you give to young women seeking a career in law?
My advice? Be bold, be relentless and never let anyone define your limits. Law is a tough field, but toughness is something you can develop. Know your worth and demand your seat at the table because no one is going to hand it to you. Early in your career, you might feel like you have to prove yourself more than your male peers — and you probably will. But don’t see that as a burden; see it as fuel. It will sharpen you, make you smarter, faster and tougher.

Find mentors, both men and women, who see your potential and help you grow. Surround yourself with people who challenge you to be better every day. And don’t be afraid to take risks — whether it’s speaking up in a room full of seasoned attorneys or going after a case that seems unwinnable. That’s where real growth happens. Most importantly, stay true to your values. Integrity is your most powerful tool in this profession. If you can stand by your decisions with confidence and know you’ve done everything with honesty and heart, you’ll go far.

How has your industry changed over the last 5 years?
The legal industry has seen some major shifts in the last five years, and criminal defense has been at the forefront of that change. One of the biggest transformations is how technology has influenced both the prosecution and defense. We’re seeing more cases involving digital evidence — everything from social media to complex forensic data — which means we, as defense attorneys, have had to become experts in these areas to protect our clients effectively.

There’s also been a significant shift in public perception of justice, especially around issues like wrongful convictions and the need for criminal justice reform. People are more aware of how easily the system can fail, which has led to increased scrutiny on law enforcement practices and prosecutorial overreach. This has pushed the industry to adapt and become more transparent.

Another change is the heightened focus on diversity and inclusion. There’s a growing recognition that a broader range of perspectives — especially from women and minorities — makes for stronger, more innovative legal teams.

At Barbieri Law Firm, we’ve always believed that diversity isn’t just a goal, it’s an asset.

What was the most difficult decision you’ve made in your career so far?
Turning away a partnership opportunity with a respected colleague and friend. I would have had to forego some of my firm’s core values, and I just could not sacrifice what I knew was the right thing to do for me, my staff and my clients.

How did you decide to move your firm to The Star?
Moving Barbieri Law Firm to The Star in Frisco was a strategic decision. We wanted to be in a location that reflected the strength, professionalism and ambition of our practice. The Star is a hub of innovation and excellence, and we knew it would place us at the heart of a growing community that values success and high performance — just like we do. Being surrounded by top-tier organizations, including the Dallas Cowboys, aligns with our own mission to be the best at what we do: delivering top-notch criminal defense.

It’s also about accessibility. Frisco is a rapidly expanding area with a vibrant business community, and The Star gives us a state-of-the-art facility that’s easy for our clients to access while providing the privacy and discretion they need, especially in high-profile cases. Ultimately, The Star represents a modern, forward-thinking environment, and that’s exactly how we approach our work — always evolving, always striving for excellence. It was the perfect fit for our firm’s vision.

How will your move to The Star impact your firm?
Our move to The Star is a game-changer for the firm. First and foremost, it elevates the client experience. The Star is a world-class facility, and it reflects the level of service and professionalism we bring to every case. Clients will feel that from the moment they walk through the door. The environment here is dynamic and energizing, which aligns perfectly with our relentless, forward-thinking approach to criminal defense.

Being at The Star also puts us in the center of one of the fastest-growing areas in North Texas. That means greater visibility, increased access to high-level business professionals and athletes and the ability to continue expanding our client base while maintaining the personalized, boutique-style attention we’re known for. The energy there is unmatched, and I believe it will fuel our team's innovation, collaboration and tenacity.

Ultimately, this move positions us to continue growing as leaders in criminal defense, while staying laser-focused on our mission: safeguarding reputations, defending lives and winning in the courtroom. At The Star, we’re in the perfect spot to do just that.

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