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Collin County's Largest Resale Event: Trinkets to Treasures

The Junior League of Collin County hosts their annual resale event Trinkets to Treasures! The largest one-day resale event in Collin County funds the projects and programs that support JLCC mission and vision.
clothing electronics junior league collin County trinkets treasures

The Junior League of Collin County hosts their annual resale event Trinkets to Treasures!

The largest one-day resale event in Collin County funds the projects and programs that support JLCC mission and vision. Over 100 passionate volunteers help execute the Trinkets to Treasures event each year. New this year, Friday, April 1 is a Peek & Purchase where early bird shoppers get first dibs on furniture, electronics and clothing.The following Saturday, shoppers will find new and gently used clothing, appliances, toys, sports  and office equipment and much more.

A Shopping Card to Trinkets to Treasures Resale can be purchased and either given as a gift or donated to the general shopping card fund to be used to provide cards to local nonprofit agencies. A shopping card admits a family of four and provides $25 to spend on merchandise at the event and is tax deductible. With your help, over 600 shopping cards are provided each year.



  • Friday, April 1, 7–9 p.m. **New This Year! Peek and Purchase Event!**
  • Saturday, April , 8 a.m.–3 p.m.

Where: Plano Centre, 2000 E. Spring Creek Pkwy., Plano, Texas 75074

Cost: Friday admission is $15. Saturday is $5. Free admission for children 10 years old and younger. Purchase tickets: Trinkets to Treasures.