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North Texas Food Bank is moving to Plano

North Texas Food Bank is set to move to Plano this summer.

North Texas Food Bank is set to move to Plano this summer. The new facility in Plano will be located at the Perot Family Campus and will include a community garden named after NTFB’s late CEO, Jan Pruitt, as well as three times the refrigerator space, equipped to serve food to those in need.

North Texas Food Bank, Plano, Community Garden
The entrance to North Texas Food Bank’s new community garden

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North Texas Food Bank in Plano

NTFB says that moving to Plano will ensure that they can reach their goal of providing 92 million meals to the residents of North Texas by 2025. They assure the community that though they are moving to Plano, they will still be serving across a 13-county area. In fact, the move to Plano will provide them with a centralized and more efficient location to serve across county lines, as well as access to more business partners and donors who will be able to help the cause.

We tend to forget that poverty is prevalent here in North Texas. However, more than 800,000 people in NTFB’s 13-county service area are food insecure. That’s 1/6 of the North Texas population.  We’re so glad to have the North Texas Food Bank here with us. On September 16th, after their move, they will be hosting a grand opening with fun events for the whole family, so be sure to attend and show your love and support. Or, visit NTFB’s website for more information on their goal and hunger in North Texas.

Read more: Indo-American Council aims to fight hunger in North Texas