How To Help Prevent Fires During Summer In Texas

Photo: Artikom jumpamoon | Shutterstock

This week, firefighters are working to contain three wildfires burning in North Texas — one in Denton County, and two in Wise. The extreme heat and dry conditions are fueling the fires.

According to FOX4, the Brushy Mound Fire in Wise County just south of Bridgeport burned 13 acres and is about 75% contained. Firefighters also made progress on the Boones Creek Fire near Runaway Bay in Wise County, with 90% containment. The Big Sky Fire in Denton County burned 72 acres and is 75% contained.

Although dry weather is not the only cause of fires, it certainly increases the risks of fire spreading, especially when the wind picks up speed. “We need Texans to prevent wildfires from occurring under these conditions,” previously said Emily Wall, Texas A&M Forest Service Chief Operating Officer of Forest Resource Protection. “It is imperative that everyone remains diligent with any activity that may cause a spark and check with local officials for burn bans or other restrictions.”

Texas A&M Forest Service asks citizens to consider the following tips to help with the current situation:

  • Always obey local burn bans and outdoor burning restrictions. Wait to conduct any outdoor burning or light campfires until the burn ban has been lifted and weather conditions are not extremely hot, dry or windy.
  • Nine out of ten wildfires are human-caused. When your county is under a burn ban, residents should avoid outdoor activities that may cause a spark, this includes welding, grinding and using heavy machinery.
  • Many areas of Texas are experiencing high temperatures and dry weather. Residents should stay up to date on weather conditions and always use extreme caution when performing outdoor activities even if not under a burn ban.
  • Some areas of Texas have recently received rainfall. While rain can reduce wildfire danger temporarily, areas with limited rainfall will become dry again. Continue to obey burning restrictions until they have been lifted by your local officials.

Additionally, it’s never a bad idea to check your home for possible gas leaks following these tips.

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