300-Room Hotel Announced For Universal Studios Frisco Resort

Photo: tristan tan | Shutterstock

Universal Studios' announcement of a theme park in Frisco, Texas brought in more questions than answers. Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney recently shared everything that we know about the new park, including a hotel.

In a Facebook post, Cheney compiled frequently asked questions and responses from residents, in order to clear up any confusion and answer as many questions as possible. The latest information released from the mayor was confirmation of a 300-room hotel that will be about three to five stories high. The hotel will take up 30 of the 97 acres of land.

“For perspective, 97 acres is almost as big as Warren Sports Complex, which spans 105 acres,” Cheney wrote.

Local Profile previously reported many residents' biggest concern was the hotel being added to already busy Frisco streets. 

“We already have so much coming in here with the PGA and the Dallas Stars facility and stuff like that,” Frisco resident Jeff Martinez said during a town hall-style meeting on Jan. 11, 2022.

The mayor also explained that the remaining acres of the park will be dedicated solely to parking, however, expansion is not out of the question. The park is expected to bring in about 7,500 visitors on weekdays and 20,000 visitors on Saturdays

The park will be located East of Dallas North Tollway and North of Panther Creek. The park’s property will be the triangle’ shaped area within the Fields development. Universal’s goal for the attraction is to put the “park” back in park, according to Cheney. 

The mayor’s post also confirmed that the size will be a quarter of the size of a “traditional” Universal park, a quarter of the size of the Hollywood park and a quarter of the size of the Orlando park. The latest of the Universal theme parks in Frisco will target children three to nine years old but “adults, older siblings are welcome.” 

As of writing, the city council has yet to vote on the Universal Frisco. 

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