5 Tips For Staying Healthy This Holiday Season

This isn’t only the holiday season. It’s also the cold season. All this joy and togetherness brings an increased risk of illness. But how do you stay healthy? Ayesha Aman, MD, an internist and integrative medicine specialist in Plano, shares expert advice on doing just that during this festive time.

Before the hosting and party-going commences, here are five tips from Dr. Aman on how to protect yourself and your family from illnesses this holiday season. 

5 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

  1. Practice Good Hygiene
    • Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, including between fingers and under nails.
    • Flush your nose and gargle multiple times a day, especially after exposure to sick individuals.
  2. Protect Vulnerable Areas
    • Cover your chest, neck, nose, and mouth in cold or windy environments.
    • Use a humidifier to prevent very dry indoor air.
  3. Support Your Immune System
    Take supplements like multivitamins, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and elderberry.
    • Drink warm beverages like echinacea or throat coat tea and avoid iced drinks, which can lower your body’s ability to maintain warmth.
  4. Stay Active and Get Fresh Air
    • Exercise regularly and spend time outdoors to boost circulation and immunity.
    • Ventilate your home to reduce indoor pathogens and maintain airflow.
  5. Prioritize Rest and Balance
    • Get enough sleep to allow your body to repair and restore itself.

But why do people even get sick during the holidays?

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Stress and Immunity

Many people fall ill during periods of high stress or late nights — a common occurrence during the holidays. This is no coincidence.

“During stressful times, the body releases cortisol, a stress hormone that directly suppresses the immune system,” Dr. Aman told Local Profile. While this response is helpful for short-term challenges, chronic stress can cause significant harm.

“Research shows that daily stress can alter the gut microbiome in as little as six weeks,” said Dr. Aman. “Since the gut microbiome plays a vital role in immune function, disruptions to it provide another pathway through which stress can compromise our health.”

Stress also causes the release of catecholamines, such as adrenaline, which stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This activation leads to prolonged increases in blood pressure, blood sugar levels and heart rate. When the body remains in this "fight or flight" state, it misses out on restorative benefits.

How Winter Increases Illness 

Cold weather isn’t just uncomfortable — it creates ideal conditions for viruses to thrive. Spending more time indoors increases exposure to airborne illnesses, while reduced sunlight limits vitamin D production. “Vitamin D is very important for healthy immune function,” Dr. Aman said.

“In Traditional Chinese Medicine, 'wind ' is considered one of the external factors that can invade the body and lead to illness,” says Dr. Aman. “Wind can enter the body from outside and can cause colds, flu, and other viral infections. External wind can be caused by exposure to windy weather, drafts or sudden temperature changes.”

Winter also brings an uptick in respiratory illnesses like influenza, RSV, the common cold and pneumonia. COVID-19, now considered endemic, remains a year-round threat, particularly in the winter months when respiratory viruses are most active.

But while we might be in cold season, you can get sick any time during the year. 

Tips for Year-Round Wellness

Dr. Aman emphasizes that good health isn’t just for the holidays. Here are some strategies to stay healthy throughout the year:

  1. Focus on Nutrition
    • Eat antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
    • Incorporate up to 50 grams of fiber daily to support digestion and heart health.
    • Limit inflammatory foods, such as excess animal protein.
    • Address nutritional deficiencies with your doctor’s guidance.
  2. Support Gut Health
    • Optimize digestive health and the gut microbiome for overall wellness.
  3. Reduce Stress
    • Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises.
    • Dedicate time to activities that calm the mind.
  4. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
    • Limit alcohol consumption to reduce its negative effects.
    • Stay active with enjoyable and sustainable exercise routines.
  5. Maintain Wellness Practices
    • Consider monthly acupuncture for balance and overall health.
    • Prioritize good sleep to allow nightly restoration.

With these tips, you can enjoy a healthy, vibrant holiday season while laying the foundation for long-term wellness.

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