Ebby Halliday’s Cindy O’Gorman On Real Estate Trends In North Texas

North Texas is quickly growing as folks from across the country are moving to cities in and around Collin County. 

Local Profile recently interviewed Realtor Cindy O’Gorman on how the local real estate market has changed, and what to expect for the future. 

O'Gorman began her real estate career 30 years ago and has consistently been among the top 0.5% of residential real estate agents in the nation. For over 28 years, she has been Ebby Halliday Realtor’s' company-wide top producer. 

In 2018, the O'Gorman Group closed over $130 million in home sales. She excels in customer service, which is why she values the group concept. By offering her clients a team of specialists, O'Gorman ensures they receive the personal attention they deserve and the results they expect.

How has the real estate business changed over the past 5 years? 
In the last 5 years, I have seen so many changes! From the crazy COVID shutdown to a feeding frenzy of multiple offers and sales way over list price and now to a slower, low inventory market. 

Is now a good time to buy a house?
Prices have remained steady but homes are not selling at the pace they had been. 

What can homebuyers expect in the next six months?
I feel inventory will increase slightly in the next few months but will remain low and prices will be steady. 

What trends do you currently see in real estate? 
The trends I am seeing are multiple master bedrooms, full wall sliding doors, tile and papered walls everywhere, cleaner lines and multi-purpose rooms and outdoor living areas with remote screens and fireplaces. 

What’s one best piece of advice you can offer?
The best advice that I can give to someone in any field is to do what you say you’re going to do, communicate often and remember that every contact is like 10 referrals if you do a great job. 

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