Plano ISD Announces Two New Principals For High Schools


Plano Independent School District recently announced the appointment of new principals for two of its senior high schools for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. 

Kennitra Robertson will be the new principal of Plano Senior High School, and Billie-Jean Lee will assume the role at Plano West Senior High School.

Robertson will replace Jeff Banner at Plano Senior High. She previously served as principal of Vines High School and Robinson Middle School. Her career in the district also includes roles as an assistant principal at Otto Middle School and as an 8th-grade science teacher at Wilson Middle School. Robertson holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Louisiana State University and a master’s degree in educational administration from Texas A&M-Commerce. She is certified as a principal for grades early childhood-12 and as a generalist for grades 4–8.

“At Plano Senior High School, we will continue to honor the rich traditions and achievements that have shaped our school's proud history, while preparing and encouraging students to be successful in their postsecondary endeavors,” said Robertson in an official statement. 

Lee, who succeeds retiring Plano West Principal Janis Williams, has been with Plano ISD since 1989. Her most recent position was principal at Jasper High School. Lee’s experience includes serving as principal at Robinson Middle School and assistant principal at Renner Middle School. She earned her bachelor’s degree in music education from Henderson State University and a master’s degree in music education from Texas A&M-Commerce. Lee also holds mid-management certification, as well as principal and superintendent certifications.

“I am excited for this opportunity to lead the Blue Nation and continue serving the students and families in the West cluster,” Lee said in a statement. “I have been fortunate to be a part of this community for many years, and I am honored to be named principal of Plano West.”

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