DWI Arrest Leads To Seizure Of Drugs, Firearms And Diamonds In Plano, Texas

Last week, the Plano Police Department released information regarding a crime from 2023, highlighting the efforts of their patrol. In September of last year, a DWI arrest turned into a much more serious crime. 

The Plano Police Department reported that on Sept. 4, 2023, at approximately 1:30 am, Officer Arevalo and Officer Adair were dispatched to respond to a report involving a driver being trailed by a BMW SUV. 

Upon intercepting both vehicles, Officer Arevalo noticed a distinct scent of alcohol emanating from the driver's breath and observed her displaying hyperactive behavior. The driver asserted she was merely following a friend home, a claim that was later proven false. The 52-year-old female, appeared unable to locate her driver's license, became elusive and tried to conceal her purse. 

Further investigation uncovered that the driver was operating the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and a subsequent search of the vehicle yielded a surprising cache of contraband:

  • 99.31 grams of cocaine, individually packaged in baggies
  • 1,120 grams of cocaine in a plastic bag wrapped with duct tape
  • 23 loose diamonds
  • A stolen Smith and Wesson 9mm firearm
  • A stolen Taurus Revolver
  • A glass pipe

The driver was ultimately arrested for driving while intoxicated, possession of cocaine totaling 1,227.39 grams and stolen guns. "This seemingly routine traffic stop turned into a significant seizure of illegal drugs and stolen firearms," Officer Arevalo said in an official statement. "This situation could have easily escalated, but thanks to our training we receive and quick response, we were able to apprehend the suspect and prevent further harm to the community."


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