Dallas Waiving Misdemeanor Warrant Fees For Individuals That Make Sock Donations

Photo: Evgeniya369 | Shutterstock

The City of Dallas recently announced that any individuals with outstanding low-level misdemeanor warrants can take care of them without having to pay warrant fees if they make a sock donation.

As a part of the Dallas Municipal Court's annual Ticket Track Down, the two-week initiative — between Jan. 23, 2023, to Feb. 5, 2023 — was created to encourage people with Class C misdemeanor warrants to respond to their respective citations.

During the two weeks, the warrant fees for any Class C citations will be waived for any individuals that donate socks.

The City of Dallas says that people who are interested in waiving their fees can bring in a package of three or more new socks. At the conclusion of the initiative, all collected socks will be donated to The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center.

In addition to having fees nixed, the City of Dallas also says that people coming in to deal with their outstanding low-level misdemeanor warrants will be able to do so without facing arrest.

"It is very important to note that no one will be arrested when trying to resolve a citation," the City of Dallas said in a statement. "The courthouse has always been a safe harbor location for those with outstanding City of Dallas Class C misdemeanor warrants."

The City says that the initiative will also be extending weekend court to the community, as court will be held at four different recreation centers located across Dallas, in an effort to accommodate residents in all quadrants of the city.

On the weekend of Jan. 28-29, court will be held at both Singing Hills Recreation Center and Fireside Recreation Center. The following weekend, on Feb. 4-5, court will be taking place at Mattie Nash Recreation Center and Churchill Recreation Center. Check-in will be going from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. during all four respective days.

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