Special needs teacher Walter Jimenez II wanted to create an event that would serve as a safe, small-setting introduction to comic conventions for the special needs community.
Jimenez is a transition specialist with Frisco Independent School District, where he works with individuals with special needs every day.
Combining his teaching experience and love of comics, FrisCon will bring the comic book and special needs communities together. Attendees can meet comic and anime actors, participate in cosplay and hang out with other comic book fans. The event will take place on March 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“I have worked with adult special needs students for over 10 years. I know that getting information out to parents and getting students connected to outside services are such big hurdles,” Jimenez said in an interview with Plano Magazine. “I also know that many of my students are big fans of superheroes. I decided to try to bring those worlds together.”
Guests will include voice actors such as anime voice actors Chuck Huber and Melanie Kohn who voices Lucy from Peanuts; DC and Marvel artist Jilani, and various other comic book authors and artists.
There will also be special needs service providers tabling at the event, including My Possibilities, the first full-day, full-year continuing education and job placement program in North Texas for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and Best Buddies International, a nonprofit dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with IDD.
Other organizations at the event include the Association for Independent Living, Concept Connections, Wind Rose Academy, Cornerstone Ranch, Special Strong and Plano nonPariel.
FrisCon is free to attend. Details on the event are available on their website.