Joyce Yang, an eighth-grader at Barbara Bush Middle School, received a prestigious honor over the summer when her artwork was selected for display in the Governor's Gallery in Austin, Texas.
According to Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD, Yang was one of 14 students celebrated at an exclusive garden party reception held at the Governor's Mansion. The event, organized in collaboration with the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA), allowed guests to tour the historic mansion, enjoy refreshments and appreciate the outstanding work of talented young artists.
During the 2023-24 school year, the TAEA selected Yang’s piece for the Youth Art Month exhibition. Her artwork, titled “Snowy Village,” was chosen from over 500 submissions by students from PreK-12 across the state of Texas.
“Snowy Village was inspired by a photograph that my mom took that showed natural light on the snow and houses,” Yang said in an official statement. “I explored new techniques with acrylic paint to try to make my artwork more realistic. I tested this out by contrasting light and dark colors because I wanted to show the natural beauty of light reflected on snow.”
First Lady Cecilia Abbott personally congratulated each student on their achievement, taking the time to discuss their artistic inspirations and techniques.
Yang's artwork will continue to be showcased in the Governor's Gallery, allowing visitors from across Texas to admire her creativity and talent.
"Joyce has many other accomplishments such as orchestra and her success in the Technology Student Association,” Barbara Bush MS Principal Lacey Tilley said. “This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am extremely proud. She deserves this recognition for her talent and I am proud to get to know such a well-rounded, humble and kind student."
To see more of the artwork selected for the Governor's Gallery, visit the link here.
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