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Coming March 2019: The Diversity Issue

Diversity matters. Fact. And it’s so much more than a corporate buzz word. It’s time for our first ever Diversity Issue.
Yasmeen Tadia, Cheryl “Action” Jackson and Brooke Lopez. Photo by Alyssa Vincent

Diversity matters. Fact. And it’s so much more than a corporate buzz word.

It’s time for our first ever Diversity Issue. In Plano Profile’s March 2019 edition we will honor our differences with open honest discussions on the issues that divide us: from current events, to cuisine, to political and philanthropic circles. In this landmark edition, we’ll remember how far we’ve come and chart a bright course toward the future.

As the population of Collin County nears one million, it’s evolving. New residents have brought new ideas and experiences, new restaurants and businesses and new chances for connection. Today, Collin County is more vibrant than it has ever been before.

It’s time to inspire, engage, and discuss cultural dynamics within our communities. As Jasmin Brand, CEO of Launch DFW said in a recent interview with Plano Profile, “I think it’s important that we reinforce the idea of inclusion rather than just diversity. Equality in the workplace is not just about making sure that a person of color, or a woman, is in the room, but that they have an actual seat at the table.”

Diversity and inclusion is not about fulfilling a diversity quota; it’s about making sure that everyone is included. 

Voice your opinion

Diversity is defined as “being composed of differing elements”, which is why we feel it is important to ask you, our community, for your help on putting together this landmark issue.

If you would like to give us your thoughts and opinion on this important topic, please click here.